Welcome to the BMW MCC WA


  • 26 Feb 2015 15:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Motorcycle using dedicated bus lane trial

    As you have no doubt heard we recently had the announcement from our Minister for Transport Hon. Dean Nalder that we have finally got the start date for the 12 month trial of motorcycles to share dedicated bus lanes on Beaufort Street between Roe Street in Northbridge in Inglewood and on South Street between Vahland Avenue and the Freeway commencing from March 2nd 2015. The trial will last 12 months and will be monitored and evaluated against a range of safety and bus on-time-running criteria.

    It is intended that the trial will allow the Government to make an informed decision about the longer term access to bus lanes by motorcyclists.

    This has been almost 3 years to get to this point since our initial meeting with Troy Buswell. We have been asked to be part of the communication plan leading up to the launch and this notice is to advising all motorcycle and scooter riders that our behavior will be monitored by the police, Main Roads Dept. and Dept. of Transport. It is also important to be aware that cars will be turning left from these lanes and we need to be aware that some of them are a bit stupid. We will also be letting car drivers know that they will now need to look in the bus lane for much small vehicles. As for stopped buses I am sure we can pass a 2.4 meter bus in a 3.6 meter lane without too much bother or change into the next lane to pass. So if the trial is a success we will be pushing for all bus lanes to be made available to us but we don’t want to lose this opportunity because of bad behavior by a few riders.


    Ride Safe

    Dave Wright


    Motorcycle Riders Association of W.A. Inc.

    25th February 2015

  • 23 Jan 2015 08:42 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The club receives a number of emails and details for motorcycle tours, most operating in Europe, Asia and Africa.

    As an increasing number of members are embarking on overseas trips a new page has been added to our website to list some of the better looking tour operations and provide a link to their websites.

    If members provide feedback via the members forum on tours they have completed then relevant comments can be recorded against the tours listed which may be of help to others considering a tour in the future.

    If you have a tour you would like to recommend, organise or comment on then post your comments in the members forum or email the president to have the details added to the new web page.

    See Motorcycle Tours

  • 05 Nov 2014 16:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Club received an email from Motofrank
    A German photographer riding round the world on his 25 yr old R100GS
    He will be at the Dome Cafe 223 Albany Highway Vic Park, cnr of McMaster St where Farrell's cafe our old meeting place used to be, this Thursday night 6th November with another G/S traveling couple and would like to catch up with any club members who would like to meet.

    Here is his website http://www.lindert-photography.com

    Some of the committee will be there and anyone in the club or not who is interested and would like to come along and meet Motofrank or just come and socialize is welcome. We will be there from 7:30pm till around 9 I expect.

    Perhaps we will see some of you there

  • 26 Sep 2014 13:25 | Anonymous

    Increases in Western Australian Traffic Penalties apply as at September 26th 2014.

    Please review the Office of Road Safety website to make yourself aware of the increases that will apply at:

    Penalty Increases at Office of Road Safety

    'Long Weekend' equals 'Double Demerit Points'

    Many Western Australians will lose their drivers licence this Queen's Birthday Long Weekend

    Many Western Australians will face hardship with the huge increase in fines that will apply over the double demerit weekend.

    Double Demerits apply every long weekend in Western Australia

    Public Holidays Western Australia

    Penalty Increases Statement: Western Australia Government

    Media Statement

  • 05 Sep 2014 18:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bully you need to upgrade your rig!

    This one takes the prize.


  • 18 Aug 2014 07:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hi Guys

    Just got this notification of two motorcycle tyre recalls for defective off road and sports tyres.

    Can you let your members know.



    Dave Wright

    President Motorcycle Riders Association of WA

    Ulysses Club National Safety Committee (WA Rep.)










    What are the defects?

    During sustained high speed riding a bulge may appear on the tread of the tyre causing vibration and, in the most extreme of cases, some of the tread may become detached. This problem has been simulated in controlled and very severe test conditions.


  • 29 Jul 2014 11:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The Border Run is coming up this weekend Saturday the 2nd of August at Border Village just the other side of the WA border with SA.

    This is a well attended though pretty informal rally of sorts that has been running since 1974 when it was initiated by some founding members of the BMW Motorcycle club of WA. Tradition has it that members of the WA and SA BMW Motorcycle clubs meet at Border Village for beverage or 2 on ths first Saturday evening in August.  Since initiation attendance has grown to include riders from other clubs and other riders who just hear about it or get invited along. Even the Far Riders have added this to their calendar, though why anyone would ride across the country stopping at the venue only for fuel and a photo before turning around and heading home is beyond me? Having gone all that way you think they would stay for the evenings celebrations? well I suppose that's not their thing.

    This year some of our long term members will be celebrating their 60th at the border, "Die Alt Border Fahrts?" someone one with better German can correct that for me ;-)  (Nb. German for Ride = Fahrt)

    If you are riding down for the meet, it is usual for riders to leave on the Thursday or Friday. Some take the black top via Coolgardie while others (if the road is open and is not wet (read Slippery!) take the unsealed Hyden Norseman road to cut the corner. Many WA riders aim to camp Friday night just after Balladonia and before the 90 Mile straight. There is a rest bay area to left of the road and a camp site is set up a short distance off the bitumen. It's good point to stop before the final run to the border on Saturday morning. Just remember the wildlife favors this stretch of road from early evening on, so be careful if you plan to arrive there late.

    Those wanting to ride out from Perth in the company of others I suggest you get onto the clubs public forum and start organizing. Perhaps I'll see you out there!

  • 15 Jun 2014 22:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanks Richard!

    "Might actually be Bill making his way back from Qld"

  • 15 Jun 2014 21:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Not a BMW MCC WA Event but may be of interest to some:

    6th JULY WINTER CHARITY DICERUN to raise funds for Flourish Cambodia http://www.flourishcambodia.org/index.html a charity that helps at risk children . This ride will start at Gingers Roadhouse 1383 Great Northern Highway at 10am come rain,hale or shine, so show your true metal, the ride will take in Toodyay, Mundaring and finish at Karragullen the ride is open to all, as long as your bike can maintain the open road speed limit.

    Registration is $20 dollars per bike and there are prizes for the top scores rolled with the dice.

    To register contact guyhayes@live.com.au

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